5 questions for a successful career transition

If you’ve been doing the same job for a while and you’re not feeling fulfilled, you might want to reassess your career and find work that is more meaningful. However, it can be difficult to know where to start. It’s one thing to decide to look for a new job, but it’s another to look at a completely different career.

So what do you do once you’ve decided to change career? Here are a few questions to get you started.

What are you good at?

If you’ve been working for a number of years, you’ll have plenty of skills and experience to draw upon. If you don’t have much work experience, think about the skills you have gained in other areas of your life such as through voluntary work or bringing up a family. If you’re finding it difficult to identify your skills, ask someone you trust what they think you’re good at. Other people can often see things in ourselves that we can’t see.

 What do you enjoy doing?

If you notice you’re not spending much time doing the things you enjoy, it’s time for a change. I spent years doing voluntary work and I enjoyed this far more than any paid job I’d ever done. It was far more fulfilling and felt more meaningful than some of the jobs I had had. This realisation gave me an insight into the kind of job I really wanted – doing something that made a difference to people’s lives.

Once you have identified the things you enjoy, think about the types of jobs that will enable you to do these.

What are your values?

Working for an organisation whose values align with your own can increase job satisfaction and reduce the likelihood of burnout. Take time to identify your own values. What’s really important to you and how can you incorporate this into your work?

If money was no object, what would you like to do?

Imagining that money is no object can encourage you to think creatively. When you’ve thought about what might be possible, start thinking about how you can achieve this. Consider whether you need further training or qualifications or if you can gain experience in other ways. If there are people in your network who can help you, ask them for advice.

Can you make a living from your chosen career?

As you’re deciding what you want to do, make sure you’re being realistic. Are you going to be able to earn an income from your new career? If not, what do you need to change for this to happen?

The next step is to consider how you can you use the answers to these questions to move into a new job. Think about how you can show potential employers your skills and the value you bring, perhaps by providing examples of your previous achievements.

Changing career can be a lot of work and it requires energy. It won’t happen overnight, but it will be worth it when you’re spending time doing something you enjoy.


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